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Relief To Ortho- ₹ 999

Useful for Joint Pain:-
In India, Rheumatoid Arthritis is seen at all levels. Rheumatoid arthritis affects more than 45% of patients after the age of 40. In arthritis, a person suffering from this disease cannot walk, cannot work, cannot even move his neck. If the pain is excessive and you can't sleep, people who are tired of arthritis start taking steroids or painkillers indiscriminately, which gives temporary relief, but does not help to cure the disease or reduce the severity of the pain permanently. Ayurvedic ingredients in this product have been used for arthritis since ancient times. These oils mainly contain Mahanarayana oil, Eucalyptus oil, Google, Sesame oil, Castor oil, Asparagus, Vacha, Almond oil and Camphor It helps.

Method of taking Ortho Care:
1 Tea Spoon in warm water in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.