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Grow -Women Health- ₹ 999

For women's health-
1. Useful for strengthening women with disabilities.
2.Helps to increase milk supply for pregnant women.
3.Works to strengthen the uterus.
4. Helps to maintain women's health after menopause. 5.Useful for menstrual ailments.
6.If consumed by a pregnant woman, the body of mother and child develops well A baby with no deformity is born.
7.Intake of Kelsas in the eighth and ninth months helps pregnant women to have a normal delivery.

Useful for the following diseases:
2. Weakness
3. Swelling
4. Anemia
5. Breast cancer
6. Diseases of old age
7. Uterine rupture
8. White water coming out of the body etc.

Method of Taking:-
1-1 teaspoon in the morning and evening on an empty stomach with warm water and Taken with milk.